
Apex classe Details
Name MedicalDeviceReturnController
Label MedicalDeviceReturnController
Status Active
Api Version 54
Apex Code
public with sharing class MedicalDeviceReturnController {

    Method: getInventoryLocations
    Developer : Abdul(PWC)
    Date: 07/03/2022
    Description: This Method is used to get the all the inventory locations in the system
    public static List<Schema.Location> getInventoryLocations(String productId){
        Set<Id> locationIdSet = new Set<Id>();
        List<Schema.Location> locationList = new List<Schema.Location>();
        List<ProductItem> prodItemList = [SELECT Id,LocationId,Product2Id FROM ProductItem WHERE Product2Id=:productId];
        for(ProductItem prodItem : prodItemList){
            locationList = [SELECT Id, Name, LocationType, OwnerId, IsInventoryLocation FROM Location WHERE IsInventoryLocation=true AND Id IN:locationIdSet];
        return locationList;
    Method: fetchSerilizedProductsforReturn
    Developer : Abdul(PWC)
    Date: 07/03/2022
    Description: This Method is used to get the serialized products lists for Return 
	related to the account
    public static List<String> fetchSerilizedProductsforReturn(String productId){
        List<string> allSerilizedProductsList = new List<String>();
        for(SerializedProduct sp: [SELECT Id, ProductItemId, Product2Id, Status,SerialNumber   FROM SerializedProduct WHERE Status='Sent' AND ProductItemId ='' AND Product2Id =: productId]){
        return allSerilizedProductsList;
    Method: fetchSerilizedProductsforReturn
    Developer : psahoo
    Date: 06/09/2022
    Description: This Method is used to get the serialized products lists for Return using the parent case Id
	related to the account
    public static List<String> getSerializedProductsInTheCase(String caseId, String productId){
        Set<string> allSentSerilizedProductsList = new Set<String>();
        List<String> res = new List<String>();
        for(SerializedProduct sp: [SELECT Id,SerialNumber   FROM SerializedProduct WHERE Status='Sent' AND ProductItemId ='' AND Product2Id =: productId]){
        for(Generic_Case_KPI__c sp: [SELECT Id, SerialNumber__c, Case__c   FROM Generic_Case_KPI__c  WHERE Case__c =: caseId]){
        return res;
    public static List<Case> fetchCaseReturns(String type, Integer limitSize, Integer offset){
        return [SELECT Id,CaseNumber,Account.Name,AccountId, ContactId ,Status,Type,Subject,ProductId,Product.Name,Location__r.Name,Location__c,Requested_Date__c,Quantity__c, From_Date__c ,To_Date__c, Contact.Name  FROM Case WHERE Status='New' And Type=:type ORDER BY Account.Name DESC LIMIT:limitSize OFFSET:offset];
    public static List<GnrcVstKeyPerformanceInd> getKPIQueries(String productId){
        return [SELECT Id,SequenceNumber , AssessmentIndDefinitionId, AssessmentIndDefinition.Name, AssessmentIndDefinition.DataType, VisitTaskContext.ContextId,VisitTaskContextId,IsDefinition  FROM GnrcVstKeyPerformanceInd WHERE IsDefinition=true AND SerialNumber__c =null AND VisitTaskContext.ContextId=:productId];
    public static Date getTodaysDate(){
		Date todaysDate =;
        return todaysDate;
    Method: fetchAllCaseReturns
    Developer : psahoo
    Date: 24/08/2022
    Description: This Method is used to get all the record values of the return cases
    public static Map<String, Integer> fetchAllCaseReturns(){
        Integer loanRecCount = [Select count() FROM Case WHERE Type='Loan Device Return'AND Status='New'];
        Integer trialRecCount = [Select count() FROM Case WHERE Type='Trial Device Return'AND Status='New'];
        return new Map<String, Integer> {
            'loanRecCount' => loanRecCount, 
            'trialRecCount' => trialRecCount